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This article covers the operating capabilities and considerations of the Max-E Boost.

The isolator when in the OFF position isolates the electrical supply to the pump motor, it does not isolate the electrical supply to the isolator itself. A fused isolator located elsewhere should be provided for this purpose.

The CRIE pump is a variable speed pump, and operates to maintain a constant discharge pressure within the flow capacity of the pump. A pressure transducer located at the top of the pump casing measures the pump discharge pressure. The controller within the motor adjusts the speed in order to maintain a constant discharge pressure.

The CRIE has a built in stopped function to stop the pump when there is no demand for water. At intervals the pump will carry out a flow test, by reducing the speed slightly, if there is a demand the discharge pressure will fall and the pump will continue to run. If however, there is no demand, the pressure will remain steady, in which case the stop function is activated. The pump will then increase pressure by 5% before stopping. The pump continues to monitor the pressure, when the pressure falls to 5% below the set pressure the pump resumes operation. 

Frost Protection

The Max-E Boost must be protected from freezing conditions. If the booster set is being stored during periods of frost the tank, pump and pipework should be drained to avoid damage. Remove all drain and vent plugs and allow the pump to drain. Do not replace the plugs until the booster set is to be used again.
The pump must be vented/primed before it is started again.