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Transport and Storage

Follow these directions for transporting and storing your Peerless Fire Pump to minimize the likelihood causing any damage to the pump during transit or long-term storage.

Transport & Handling Requirements

The pump has been prepared for shipment at the factory in such a way as to minimize potential damage due to handling and transport. 

Receipt & Inspection

Receiver should report any shortage or damage to the transport company handling the shipment and to Peerless Pump.

Prior to installation, take inventory of the shipment to ensure that the parts received match the list of parts on your order.

Note the extent of damage or shortage on the freight bill and bill of lading. Failure to note damage or missing parts may result in declined warranty or replacement of parts.

It is important that all the components for a pump unit be identified and properly stored until installation is to be done.

There may be many small parts (such as line shaft couplings or hardware) that are best left in their shipping container until installation.

Do not unpack any more than required to verify that the equipment is complete and undamaged unless installation is to be done immediately. Check all packaging material that is to be discarded to verify that no parts or instructions are being accidentally discarded. In some shipments, small boxes containing additional parts are bound to pump skids. Leave small parts in their shipping container until installation so they don't get lost. Upon unpacking make certain that accessories with a pump unit are clearly marked showing which pump unit they are to be used with. 

Rigging & Lifting

When pumps are received unassembled, all the parts should be located close to the location where the pump will be installed.

Pump parts that are too heavy to be lifted by hand must be lifted from the transporting vehicle with a suitable hoist. Lifting chains or cables must not contact machined surfaces.

Parts which are provided with lifting lugs, lifting ears or eyebolts should be lifted by these points only. They may not be used for lifting the entire pump.
When lifting the entire pump, use appropriate slings.

Do not attempt to lift the entire pump by the lifting lugs (eyes) of the driver or pump.
Never lift unit using hooks or slings on shafts.
Use proper lifting techniques when manually lifting components -keep component close to body, back straight, lift with legs, DO NOT BEND AT WAIST.

Do not work under a suspended object unless you have taken precautions to stop its fall in event of sling or hoist failure. 


Standard factory packaging is suitable for protection during shipment and during covered storage at jobsite for a short period between installation and startup. The preservatives applied at the factory have an effective life of two to three months from date of shipment from factory, depending on the severity of the environment in which the equipment is exposed. For international destination this will vary depending on the sea worthiness of export boxing. 

Controlled Storage

Storage facilities should be maintained at an even temperature of at least 10 °F [5.5 °C] above the dew point with relative humidity lower than 50 % and little or no dust. The equipment is to be inspected weekly to ensure that all preservatives are intact and internals are protected.

Inspect and recoat periodically the equipment with water displacement rust inhibitors (VPCI-368-021, Rust-Ban 392 or equal), crusting grease (Rust-Ban 326 or equal), vapor phase inhibitor (Shell VPI-260 or equal) or rust preventative coating (Rust-Ban 373 or equal). 

Protect the equipment from flooding or from harmful chemical vapors.
Storage should be free from ambient vibration.
Excessive vibration can cause bearing damage.
Precautions should be taken to prevent rodents, snakes, birds or insect from nesting inside the equipment. 

Uncontrolled Storage

For uncontrolled storage periods of three months or less, the equipment is to be inspected weekly to ensure that all preservatives are intact and internals are protected.

Inspect and recoat periodically the equipment with water displacement rust inhibitors (Rust-Ban 392 or equal), crusting grease (Rust-Ban 326 or equal), vapor phase inhibitor (Shell VPI-260 or equal) and/or rust preventative coating (RustBan 343 or equal).

All pipe threads and flanged pipe covers are to be sealed with tape. Furthermore you should place 10 lbs. [4.5 kg] of moistureabsorbing desiccant or 5 lbs. [2.3 kg] of vapor phase inhibitor crystals near the centre of pump.

If the pump is assembled, place an additional one pound in the discharge of the pump securely fastened.

Install a moisture indicator near the perimeter of the pump.

Cover the equipment with black polyethylene or equal with a minimum thickness of 0.006" [0.15 mm]. Provide a small ventilation hole approximately the size of a small coin.

Provide a roof or shed shelter to protect from direct exposure to the elements.

If equipped, connect space heaters on equipment such as motors, engines or controls. 

Standard Short-Term Storage

The pump and equipment, as shipped, have adequate protection for short-term (two to three months) storage in a covered, dry and ventilated location at the job site prior to installation.

For short-term (two to three months) storage not in a covered, dry and ventilated location at the job site prior to installation. For packed-type pumps, remove stuffing box packing and place it in a sealed plastic bag. Apply a film of compatible lube oil over the water displacement rust preventative (Rust-Ban 632 or equal).

Seal the end of the stuffing box with rolled vapor phase inhibitor paper and seal with weatherproof tape. For packed-type pumps the packing glands may be left on the pump shaft, but should be securely fastened in position.

All exposed machined surfaces should be thoroughly coated with a firm film rust preventative material (Rust-Ban 373 or equal) that is readily removable with a petroleum distillate product.

All exposed painted surfaces should be dry, clean and free of grease and other contaminates.

After pump has been thoroughly drained, cover the pump suction and discharge flanges with a cover (typically cardboard or wood) to blank off these openings.

Rotate pump shaft per the rotation arrow on pump several revolutions at least once per week to coat the bearing with lubricant and to retard oxidation and corrosion, flat spots and staining. Shaft should end up 90 ° from starting point.

To place the pump in operation, all protective coverings and coatings should be properly removed. For packed-type pumps, repack the stuffing box with the proper number of packing rings from bag. If the packing appears to be damaged or otherwise unfit, it should be replaced. 

Long-Term Storage

Long-term storage protection from the factory does not extend the warranty in any manner. Warranty policy is twelve months from startup or eighteen months from time of shipment, whichever occurs first. This warranty is valid only if equipment has been properly handled and stored as per the stated requirements.

Should the equipment be stored or handled improperly, then the warranty is invalid and may be reinstated only after a factory representative is allowed to inspect the equipment prior to startup. Expenses for the representative will be billed in accordance with the latest schedule for field service engineer.

Any repairs or repair parts needed will be billed to the customer at prices in effect at time of shipment of these repairs/parts. At the time of pump specification and/or order placement Peerless Pump should be advised about the extended storage duration so that special long-term storage protection can be provided for the equipment prior to shipping to the job site.

Inspection of the equipment by a factory representative prior to startup is normally required to ensure equipment integrity and compliance with warranty requirements.

In addition to complying with the standard short-term and storage atmosphere conditions, the following considerations are required:

Dry pump internals and spray the liquid end with a water displacement rust inhibitor (Rust-Ban 392 or equal).

Enclose vapor inhibitor in pump internals (Shell VPI 260 or equal).

Apply a film of compatible lube oil over the water displacement rust preventative (Rust-Ban 632 or equal).

After pump has been thoroughly drained, cover the pump suction and discharge flanges with full natural rubber gasket material and blank off these openings with metal blank flanges and a minimum of four full sized bolts. Cover the pump stuffing box opening with a non-hygroscopic tape.

Cover the equipment with black polyethylene or equal with a minimum thickness of 0.006" [0.15 mm] and seal it with tape.

Provide a small ventilation hole approximately the size of a small coin.

The pump should be inspected at regular periods.

Rotate the pump shaft per the rotation arrow on the pump several revolutions at least once per week to coat the bearing with lubricant and to retard oxidation and corrosion, flat spots and staining. The shaft should end up 90 ° from starting point.

To place the pump in operation, all protective coverings and coatings should be properly removed. For packed-type pumps, repack the stuffing box with the proper number of packing rings from bag. If the packing appears to be damaged or otherwise unfit, it should be replaced. 

Accessories Storage

Store accessories according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Long-term storage should not be undertaken without written understanding from manufacturer.